
I never had the opportunity to see the French musical Pinocchio,  but I watched some videos and I’m eagerly waiting for the DVD. Nuno Resende played Maître GriGri (Pinocchio’s conscience). What an artist he is! He acts, sings, dances, and even  does acrobatic numbers – all with the same ease. Here’s the opening number “L’espoir de grandir”.

Thank you Femmka for recording and sharing it!


Nuno Resende – Time is running out

I first came across Nuno Resende, a Portuguese-Belgian singer and musical artist, when he took part in the Voice, a competition on TF1 (France). A friend of mine posted this number on Facebook, and I was hooked!



The video might be blocked in France and maybe some other countries (?). You should be able to watch the video via this link.